
Gollnest and Kiesel is Europe's most innovative wooden toy manufacturer and the largest toy company in northern Germany.
The company was founded 36 years ago by two of the current managing directors - Gerhard Gollinest and Fritz -Rudiger Kiesel. 
We produce toys for children's hands, heads and souls. All around the world, Gollnest and Kiesel has more than 500 employees who thrive on implementing the wishes and requirements of toy retailers. Transforming new ideas into living colours!
Many of the toys produced are made by hand. 

Sustainability is a term taken from forestry. Only so much can be taken from a forest as is replanted. Every year we gift a tree to every newborn child in our ferderal state. 25,000 trees every year for a new forest , 350, 000 trees in total.
Products made bear the 'Fairtrade' seal. By purchasing Fairtrade products every person has the opportunity to make our world a little fairer.
A general rule applies for all toys from Gollnest and Kiesel that children must not be injured by the toys or suffer any serious health consequences. The quality assurance team makes sure that this remains the case. In the in- house laboratory and through external inspection, all toys are regularly subjected to extensive testing. All dyes used are water based and are completely child safe. 

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