Story Sacks

What is a story sack?
A story sack is a collection of props and a good quality children's book, often grouped together in a sack or a basket/tray etc which is a tool to develop early literacy skills in a fun and meaningful way.
Story sacks are used to bring a story/nursery rhyme to life and provide a multi-sensory approach to the reading process. The story/nursery rhyme props might include representations of the characters, scenery, and of course the book or a copy of the nursery rhyme that you would like to use.
Story sacks are a fantastic way to build on a child's imagination and help them to develop role play ideas around the story. Act out different parts of the story with your child, take on different character roles, and retell the story.

A Squash and a Squeeze
Baa Baa Black Sheep
Dear Zoo
Dinosaur Roar
Giraffes can't Dance
Go Tell it to the Toucan
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs
Hey Diddle Diddle
Little Red Riding Hood
Mary had a little Lamb
Old MacDonald had a Farm
Pussy cat, Pussy cat
The Gruffalo
The Gruffalo's Child
The Smartest Giant in Town
The Snail and the Whale
The Three Little Pigs
The Tiger Who Came To Tea
Three Billy Goats Gruff
We're Going on a Bear Hunt